Equip yourself to design successful change

  • Common Challenges

    Find out how you can overcome that common challenges that prevent digital change from succeeding

  • Change Design Framework

    Learn about a change design framework that helps you overcome these common challenges. Download the first template in the framework.

  • Case Study

    Walk through a case study that used the Savvy Change Design Framework to create their digital transformation roadmap.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. How to use this learning tech

    3. Meet your instructor

    4. Before we begin...

    1. Lets all start on the same page

    2. CONFIRM: Digital Transformation is ...

    3. The STAKES

    4. The Biggest PROBLEMS

    5. IDEAL Digital Transformation

    6. REFLECT: How far are we from the Ideal?

    1. 2 BIG Change Design Challenges

    2. Use a Simple and Effective Change Design Framework

    3. CONFIRM: Keys to Successful Transformation

    4. Transit Digital Transformation Case Study - How to Develop a Transformation Roadmap

    5. DISCUSS: What are the barriers to successful change?

    1. Savvy Change Design Framework

    2. Strategic Change Value Model Template

    3. More resources for you

    1. Before you go...

    2. What's Next

About this course

  • $277.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Pricing options

Webinar Attendees - Be sure to use your coupon on the payment page to get discounted access to this course

Equip yourself to design successful change

Doing nothing is not an option. The survival risks are too great.