Lead and Facilitate Change

with Better Results, Less Effort and Less Stress

  • Prevent Resistance

    Over 50% of resistance to change is due to confusion and suspicion about the change process. Learn a powerful and simple framework to create a transparent, agile and engaging change process

  • Increase Commitment

    The greatest hinderances to commitment to change are lack of communication, a sense of alienation and lack of trust in change leaders. Learn powerful and simple tools to engage busy people quickly and easily in understanding and contributing to why and what is changing and build their trust

  • Alleviate Risk

    Hidden risk is the biggest cause of derailed change. Learn and practise how to use this powerful framework and simple tools to illuminate hidden risk and increase everyone's confidence in their ability to make change happen successfully without a lot of stress.

You will leave this course with

  • Customizable Framework

    You can use this powerful and simple people centred framework to help you chart the course for any kind of change in any organization.

  • Techniques and Templates

    You will receive non-expiring, fully licensed use of the templates you can use to apply the innovative techniques you learn. This CC-SA license is valid for use throughout your organization or practise.

  • Confident Expertise

    You will get hands on practise and instructor feedback applying your learning and using the tools.

This course is specially designed for BUSY professionals!

Flexible self-study plus motivating peer and instructor interaction for 10 hours in 3 blocks over 17 days

  • Go through video, narrated slides, reading & example walk throughs at your own pace and schedule during each block of 4 days

  • Quickly assess your learning with short quizzes

  • Reflect on challenges and solutions in different situations with peers and the instructor in online discussions

  • Practise using the framework and get feedback from the instructor

  • 2 LIVE Zoom Sessions with the instructor, Dr. Louise Harris

Browse the Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Orientation to this Training Platform

    3. RAPIC Learning for Professionals

    4. What this course is all about

    5. DISCUSSION - What do you want to gain from this course?

    6. Course Schedule - Book time in your calendar

    7. Purchase and Read the Kindle book "Our Iceberg is Melting"

    8. How to get Help

    9. You are Now Ready to Get Started Learning

    1. Introduction to Foundations for Success

    2. Live Session

    3. Critical Success Factors for Strategic Change (4 pages)

    4. NAIL IT: Critical Success Factors

    5. Align Stakeholder Expectations (5 pages)

    6. NAIL IT: Stakeholder Expectations

    7. DISCUSSION: How effective change leaders engage stakeholders

    8. Introducing the Change Action Framework

    9. Change Action Framework Phases - Part 1

    1. Harvard Business Review - Cracking the Code of Change

    2. Gallup - Change Initiatives Don't Have to Fail: Front Line Managers and Focus

    3. Prosci ADKAR Model - The Individual Process of Change

    4. Harvard Business Review - The Secret to Leading Organizational Change is Empathy

    5. Forbes - How to Lead in Uncertain Times

    1. Intro to the Power of Visual Models

    2. The Strategic Value Map (9 pages)

    3. NAIL IT: Strategic Value Map

    4. Intro to Stakeholder Change Profiles (8 audio slides)

    5. NAIL IT: Stakeholder Change Profile

    6. Using the SCP to Understand Value and Cost (3 slides)

    7. DISCUSSION: Perceived value and costs of the change

    1. Intro to building a Stakeholder Change Profile visually

    2. A Stakeholder Change Profile Example

    3. ASSIGNMENT A : Build a Visual Stakeholder Change Profile

    4. ASSIGNMENT B : Build the Teacher's "after Buddy" Change Profile

    5. REFLECTION: Your experience with the Stakeholder Change Profile

    1. Empowering Employees with Data

    2. Clarity is critical for innovative change

    3. Collective Genius is needed for Innovative Change

About this course

  • $570.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

What our Students say ...

Engaging and Practical

Michael Melenberg CMC

I took the first module of the Strategic Change by Design Certificate that Louise Harris facilitates . The course was engaging through great dialogue with Louise and the other course takers, easy to read and insightful materials, and (perhaps most importantly) practical tools. To the latter, I leveraged one of the tools on a client project within weeks of completing the course, demonstrating its practicality. I look forward to taking Modules 2 and 3 in the near future, as Change Management is integral to my consulting practice.

Very Useful

Indrani Dutta CPA CGA PMP CSM MBA MEng

I have gained a lot after completing the first module. I have used elements from the module and have achieved success with various stakeholders.

A Game Changer

Dominque Dennery FCMC

If you work in the field of Change Management with clients experiencing Covid weariness and change fatigue, do look into this practical and enjoyable workshop by Louise Harris. I took one of the first workshops offered to consultants and have since integrated in all my organizational development work. A game changer!

Very Helpful for Digital Transformation

Nima Evans CMC PMP MBA

This course has helped me a lot in my Digital Transformation practice by providing practical tools and techniques to design and articulate organizational change.


  • How long is the course?

    The course is about 10 to 12 hours of effort and runs over 17 days. Optional extra reading is also provided for those who want to dig deeper.

  • Is there live access to the instructor?

    This course follows the RAPIC learning model which is a blend of reading/listening, reflection, interactive online discussion, assignments and 90 minute live ZOOM sessions. The instructor is active in guiding and responding to the discussions and facilitates the live sessions.

  • When are the live sessions?

    There are two 90 minute live sessions that happen on the first and third Monday at 12:30pm EDT. Session recordings will be available to everyone.

  • Can I learn at my own pace?

    This course is broken into 3 sections. There will be 3-5 days scheduled to complete each section. You can complete your coursework for each section whenever is convenient for you within the days set for that section.

  • Is this course accredited?

    This course is eligible for 10 CPD hours for the following professional designations - CCMP, CMC, CHRP, CIPS, CPA. PMP

    You will receive a certificate of completion.

March 31 - April 18, 2022

10 CPD Hours for CPA, CMC, CIPS, CCMP, CHRP and other professional certifications

Your Instructor

Louise A Harris PhD, CMC, CCMP

Louise has advised and led major digital and operational transformations across multiple industries such as healthcare, insurance, social services, justice, transit, non-profits, and finance. Louise is incredibly passionate about helping these organization make change happen with better results, less effort and less stress.

The constant challenges her clients faced trying to overcome resistance and confusion and achieve their desired results led her to embark on a PhD to find a better way the didn't drain people's time and energy. She focused her research on integrating neuroscience, design thinking and organization psychology to design and test a simple framework in three healthcare organizations.

The Change Action Framework that Louise teaches in this course is the result of this research and her years of experience. Many of her clients and students have tested this framework and proven it's reliability and ease of use. Louise founded the Change Design Institute to advance the framework and its tools and techniques. She aims to inspire and equip thousands of others to lead transformation or change in their own organization with better results, less effort and less stress so that less time and energy is wasted and people can have a better quality of work life.

Louise speaks at conferences throughout North America and Europe. As a university lecturer she relishes the opportunity to help prepare the next generation of leaders using innovative learning methods.

Louise boosts her physical and mental health while exploring the rugged east coast of Canada in her sea kayak and hiking with her 2 goats and dogs.
Head and shoulders of a woman with light brown shoulder length hair and glasses