Course curriculum

    1. How this course works

    2. How to use this learning system

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Why a change section in a Project Plan does not help much

    2. REFLECTION: Challenges getting people ready for change

    3. Why a Change Journey Works

    4. The Power of a Visual Change Journey Map

    5. Nail your Learning!

    6. Start with the End in Mind

    7. Nail your Learning!

    8. Dive into an Example

    9. PRACTISE : Start a Change Journey Map

    1. Showing Change Impact

    2. PRACTISE: Draft the Impact

    3. Intro to Change Journey Activities

    4. Define the Stages of the Change Journey

    5. PRACTISE: Draft Outcomes for each Stage of the Journey

    6. Start with Skills

    7. Technical Skills

    8. EXAMPLE: Plot Technical Skill Activities

    9. PRACTISE : Plot the Technical Skill Building Activities

    10. Change Leadership Skills

    11. Professional and Personal Skills

    12. PRACTISE : Plot Other Skill Building Activities

    1. Mindset and Risk (6 min)

    2. Nail your learning

    3. Mindset - Curiosity and Desire to Learn (8 min)

    4. Mindset - Belief in the Value of the Change - Part 1(7 min)

    5. Leaders' Mindset Readiness (5 min)

    6. PRACTISE : Plot the Mindset Activities to Believe in the Change Purpose

    7. Mindset - Belief in the Value of the Change - Part 2 (7 min)

    8. Mindset - Belief in the Value of the Change - Part 3 (8 min)

    9. Reducing the Risks for Emergent Change (8 min)

    10. EXAMPLE: Plot Mindset Activities

    11. PRACTISE: Plot the Mindset Activities for a Unit or Team to Believe in the Change Purpose

    1. Relationships Fuel Change (2.5 min)

    2. Relationship Changes with Customers and Suppliers (7 min)

    3. Relationships in Organization Units (7 min)

    4. Change in Management Relationships (6 min)

    5. Relationships in Cross Functional Teams (4.5 min)

    6. Relationships in Peer Groups (4 min)

    7. PRACTISE : Fuel the change journey

    8. Potential Potholes in the Change Journey (15 min)

    9. EXAMPLE: Change Journey Potential Potholes

    10. PRACTISE: Identify Potential Potholes

    11. People Frameworks (15 min)

    12. PRACTISE: Identify People Frameworks

    1. Before you go...

About this course

  • $2,495.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content