Get everyone on the same page and committed to change with powerful and simple visual communication

You will learn how to

  • Unlock the Brain's Visual Processing Power

    Learn how design communication to focus and clarify complex change and reduce the cognitive effort for everyone.

  • Design Visual Models using Proven Visual Cognition Principles

    Learn how to apply the latest principles from neuroscience research to make your visual models quick and easy to understand

  • Use your Visual Model to Create and Analyze a Powerful and Easy to Understand Diagram

    Develop your expertise by creating an example diagram using your visual model. Expand your expertise and generate new ideas by reviewing someone else's diagram and providing feedback.

How this Course Works

Learn at your own pace and in your own style. Practise what your learn. Get feedback.

  • 4 hours of video, narrated slides & example walk throughs

  • Quickly assess your learning with quick quizzes

  • Reflect on how to apply these principles in your situation

  • Create and submit your own visual communication

  • Review another person's visual communication against the learned principles

Course curriculum

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. Chapter Q&A

    3. How to Focus the Content

    4. Apply it - Principles for FOCUS

    5. How to Layout the Diagram

    6. Apply it - Principles for Layout

    7. How to make the Notation easy to learn and read

    8. Apply it - Notation

    1. Get expert design feedback

    1. Before you go...

    2. Congratulations!!

    3. PD Credits and Further Resources

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content