Un-Squeeze Basics
CourseThe basics of how to Un-Squeeze yourself and others so that you can mobilize change to achieve great results in less time with less effort.
Create Powerful Visual Communications for Change Adoption
CourseHow can you engage people in two-way communication about why and what is changing in less time with less effort? Go visual with these latest communication principles from neuroscience research!
ACMP Atlantic Canada May Webinar Handout
Digital downloadQuick Guide for Reducing Neurological Stress Engaging People in Change more Effectively with Less Effort
Change Masters Hub
CommunityUn-Squeeze your Potential and Master Change with Confidence!! Equipping managers and change practitioners with skills, tools, and peer support to mobilize change, transcend barriers, empower teams, achieve great results and propel their careers.
Pre-order available now!
PLOT the PATH to Empowered Cohesive Change and Avoid Hidden Risk
CourseUse powerful and simple tools to engage people to collaboratively plot the path so that they are ready to make change happen well with less effort and less stress
Pre-order available now!
How to SETUP CHANGE for Success
CourseDon't work harder to overcome resistance to change. Learn how to use the Change Action Framework and work smarter to reduce the effort and energy to engage people to make change happen and avoid the hidden risks that so often derail change.